Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Family Tree

Happy Valentine's Day.

Last week I was talking with a friend, who is also a teacher at the local elementary school. She was telling me that kids today do not quite understand what a family tree is. When I grew up, if you were lucky you had two sets of living grandparents, you also had a Mom & Dad, brothers and sisters.

Today with divorce so common and blended families, children are not sure how to draw a family tree. This comment resonated with me. As I study my client base over the past few years, I see so many issues, problems and challenges that have roots back to elementary school.

The more I think about our society as a whole, I realize that we need to promote life coaching in elementary school. If you break down the most common problems, you will find that the underlying dynamics can be identified into 12 categories, and if you organize them, I think you will find that they fall under 4 areas of our lives.

One of those such problems seems to be, most people are never happy, always looking for more. Never satisfied. Some people would say, people today are not satisfied with what they have. Others would say they set their goals too high and yet other professionals would say, "if you want less, you will have more."

I am not saying there is one correct answer, what I am suggesting is that as a life coach, you should promote striving for more, for excellence, yet, learn to appreciate what you have and how far you have come.

Going back to our young children today, I think we need to teach them how to handle challenges using a life coaching model, instead of discipline. We need to teach our children to filter out what is important, to see reality or the truth in our problems, to go back to the old saying, " its all about you."

If you are a concerned parent, educator or responsible corporate executive who would like to see this idea grow and flourish, please feel free to contact me.

Have a great week.